🧩How to create signal

To create a signal goes to the signal creation page.

There you will see a form to create a signal.

1. Choose which token and market you want to create a forecast for.

More than 40 coins are now available to create forecasts. At the moment, forecasts are available for BTC, ETH and USD markets.

2. Select the direction.

Rise (SanRise) if you expect the coin to rise, Fall (SanSet) if you expect the coin to fall.

3. Set the Take Profit and Stop Loss for the signal, at reaching which it will close automatically.

4. You can use the Leverage if you want to.

There is a limit of a maximum of 10 signals opened at the same time for all participants of the forecasting competition. If you want to open several of the same signals, you can use this feature instead of creating them separately manually.

5. If you want to tell more about your forecast you can give it a title.

6. If you want to tell more about your forecast you can write a detailed description of your signal.

Of all the fields when creating a signal are required only select a token and pair and direction, the rest you can fill in at your convenience.

After you have filled in the form to create a signal and clicked the button you will see a window for the signature of the Metamask.

To create a signal, you only need to sign the message. It is not required to pay for gas and have any balance of SAN tokens on the wallet.

Scroll down the Metamask message so that the sign button becomes active.

Signing the message is required every time you post a signal. After you sign the message, the Gas station pays your network commission to place the signal. This is required because all signals are stored on-chain.

After you have signed the message, a message will appear in the upper right corner indicating that the signal has been successfully created

If you want to close your previously opened signals or edit their Take profit and Stop loss you can do this on the Signals tab of your profile.

Last updated